Archive for 2013

3 Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast Without Using Weights or Machines

While it is true that exercises which require weights and machines to build up muscles are effective, the truth is that they are not always practical or expedient. For instance, some people have no time to go to a commercial gym and they may not be able to afford to buy standard exercise machines and weights to workout at home. However, here are some effective yet little known tips which will help you build muscles just as fast even without resorting to using weights or exercise machines.
1. Eat a diet rich in proteins
In the clamor to promote ever new exercise routines for muscle builders, many health and wellness experts forget to tell their pupils that ultimately; without taking the right nutrients, all those workouts are in vain. Muscles are made of proteins and taking a sufficient quantity will help you bulk even faster. The recommended daily protein intake for women is 46 grams while men need 53 grams. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding require even more proteins.
2. Exercise your core muscles five times a week
Plank exercises are especially effective when it comes to strengthening and building up your chest and arm muscles. To perform a plank exercise, spread a yoga mat on the floor and lie on your stomach with your body held straight. Resting your weight on your forearms and toes, steadily raise your body and hold it up for fifteen seconds. Repeat this at least twice before resting. Gradually increase the duration of each plank up to a minute.
An exercise ball can also be used to effectively build your core muscles by performing back extensions and crunches. To perform a back extension exercise, lie on your stomach on the exercise ball. Lift your body off the ball using your back muscles. Repeating the process for at least 15 back extensions daily should be enough.
For crunches, place the ball beneath your lower back with the knees bent on the floor. You should then lift your back a couple of inches off the ball. A total of 25 extensions per exercise session are recommended for strengthening and building up your back muscles.
3. Backpack Pushups
Pushups are universally recognized as effective muscle building exercises and their simple yet intensive routine adds an extra measure of appeal. However, your body can adjust quickly to the stress produced by run-of-the-mill pushups making your regular routine ineffective in your bid to build up muscles fast.
Some innovative wellness experts have realized that pushups can be made even more effective if they are performed while carrying a backpack. The amount of weight in the backpack will depend on your own needs and endurance.
If you have been struggling to build up muscles, the cause of your frustration may not necessarily be lack of exertion but rather using ineffective means to achieve results. In fact, many people believe that you can only build muscles quickly if you invest in costly exercise machines and weights. As the tips above illustrate however, you do not need to go to such lengths to build muscles fast.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013
Posted by Angelina Hall

3 Tips To Maximize Your Exercise's Potential

It is never enough to just do a movement and expect results. The movements must be done correctly. I am going to share 3 tips that will make every exercise more effective and help you maximize its potential.
In almost every upper body movement, your elbows will dictate whether that movement will be effective or not. When you get sloppy or begin to cheat, your elbows will drift either inward or outward depending on the movement. For pressing movements, elbows tend to drift inward. During curling exercises, the elbow will drift outward.
Not allowing the elbows to drift will keep the tension on the muscles being worked. During bench presses, you must keep your elbows slightly behind the bar. This slight position keeps all the effort on the pec muscles and maximizes stretch at the bottom. Those who cheat will allow the elbows to move in front of the bar. This will bring more shoulder and triceps action into play. You also have less control requiring even more body english to complete the movement.
The more you control your elbows, the more effective an exercise will be. It is just that simple.
The harder you grip a bar, the more poundage you will be able to move. It's amazing what a strong grip will do for you. Obviously, gripping hard will be great work for your forearms. But more than that, gripping hard focuses your efforts and "magically" makes you stronger. Of course, there is nothing magical about it.
Next time at the gym or where ever you work out, you should make a conscious effort to really, really grip hard during every exercise. Grip hard when you are squatting. Just because the bar is sitting behind your shoulders is no reason to just use your hands to keep it from sliding down. Grip that bar hard and feel the energy; you will be able to crank out 2 or 3 more repetitions.
Tense Your Body
As you exercise, tense your whole body. In particular, tense and flex your legs as you exercise. Whether you doing a prone bench press, bent-over rows, or standing curls; you should tense your torso and envision your legs as pillars of strength that you can call on for added help. Before you start curling, tense and flex your legs.
There is a synergy that comes from tensing your whole body. And you are less prone to injury when you activate all the muscles in your body instead allowing some to be just passive. When you squat, your entire body is flexed. It needs to be. Deep in the well of a heavy squat, your body is in a fight mode to get up. Having the whole body flexed keeps you from injuring yourself, among other things. You should be in the same mode when curling or pressing.
These 3 tips will help you crank out one more repetition. And that is the key. One more repetition may be what you need to break through the plateau or help you get to the next level.

Friday, September 20, 2013
Posted by Angelina Hall

Squats at Home

Squats at Home

This test is part of the home fitness prorram, fitness you can do at home with minimal equipment

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Posted by Angelina Hall

Guide to Muscle Building for Beginners

If you are interested in building muscle and really want to tone up your body, then you can give yourself a great start with muscle building for beginners. By doing this you can build up your muscle building technique from the basics. Of course you need to push yourself but at the same time you are going to want to make sure that you don't start off with to advanced exercises and get disheartened early on by the lack of progress.
Motivation is a key part of muscle building, especially for beginners so it is vitally important that you get some early success to build up your motivation and energy towards exercise.
Here are a few steps that you are going to want to take.
Clean Out the Cupboards

The first step if you are looking to get into some muscle building for beginners is to clean out your cupboards, literally. You will probably be surprised at just what you will find as well as just how much of the food you have in there that is unhealthy. You are going to want to get rid of a lot of the salty and sugary foods you have, especially highly processed foods. A good guide to working out what is healthy and what is not, is to look at the ingredients list, if it is really long or has many items you can't pronounce it is best avoided.
Getting Into the Groove of Things

If you want to get into muscle building for beginners, you are going to need to start getting into the groove of things. This means that you are going to have to start exercising routinely on a regular basis; it is no good just doing it once or irregularly. You need to come up with a routine that you can work to and that you will enjoy, the best workouts are the ones you customize for yourself. If you are not used to working out, then you need to get motivated to do it, it doesn't matter what motivates you as long as it keeps motivating you, me and my wife use each other as motivation. Make sure that this is something that you are going to be willing to put the time into, the only way it will happen is if you do it for yourself, it is one of the biggest parts of muscle building for beginners.
The basics are to make sure you get a routine and regime you are comfortable with and you can enjoy. Push yourself as hard as you can without being silly. Sorting your diet out so it is balanced and gives you what you need is key. Finally staying motivated, if you're not motivated you will not be successful. Also don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back when you start achieving, success breeds success.

Saturday, September 14, 2013
Posted by Angelina Hall

Best Exercises for Major Muscle Groups

The best exercises for all nine of the major muscle groups is really up for debate. Some trainers will not agree with my list which is okay. These are the staple exercises of most people's routines. In alphabetical order we have:
1. Best Exercises for Abs
Most will argue you have to do crunches, decline sit-ups and that is it. I would add any move that takes your knees towards your head like hanging knee raises and leg raises. Twisting moves will work the obliques as well so add in twisting crunches.
2. Back Exercises
Wide grip and reverse grip pull downs are good choices. As are both types of rowing movements: barbell and one-arm dumbbell rows. A combination move to work more than just your back can be effective so use dumbbell pullovers.
3. Best Exercises for Biceps
I love working arms as do most guys. Using a variety of moves to hit them at different angles is important so use seated and incline dumbbell curls, standing barbell curls and hammer curls.
4. Calves
Work this muscle group to failure using seated and standing calf raises, one-leg calf raise. Like biceps, change the angle and point your toes in or out to work the muscle differently.
5. Best Exercises for Chest
You can't go wrong here with the four most popular best exercises - barbell and dumbbell bench press, dumbbell incline bench press and of course dumbbell flyes.
6. Hamstring
Legs are tough on you psychologically because it can hurt working big muscles. In this case, use dumbbell lunges, leg curls (standing and laying) and the best one of all, straight leg deadlifts. Deadlifts will work more than just legs - your core, back and shoulders will all be involved.
7. Best Exercises for Quads
Using machines is not always a bad thing so try leg press and leg extensions for starters. The best one is still squats so try variations like barbell squats (on shoulders in front) as well as dumbbell squats.
8. Shoulders
You will normally try to hit all three areas: front, middle and back deltoids. Overall moves include seated dumbbell press and standing barbell press then isolate areas with dumbbell raises - side, bent-over and front variations.
9. Best Exercises for Triceps
Great biceps need solid triceps with definition to show them off. I really like standing and lying dumbbell extensions, bench dips and close-grip pushdowns.
You will notice links in each section above. I have previously done a complete exercise description for these separate articles. Each link will take you to them. Enjoy your workouts!

Saturday, September 7, 2013
Posted by Angelina Hall

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